

文 | 李太阳 汇业律师事务所 合伙人
Recently, Chinese legislature has revised the Company Law. This revision is intended to improve company capital system, optimize company governance, strengthen the stakeholders’ responsibility, regulate the company's operations, and safeguard and balance the interests of all stakeholders including company and its shareholders, employees, creditors and others effectively. Here we would like to outline the major changes of this revision and its implications for the businesses in China.


On December 29, 2023, Chinese legislators have adopted the overhauled Company Law ("New Company Law"), which was released on the same day. The New Company Law will come into force on 1 July 2024.

The current Company Law of China ("Current Company Law") was initially enacted in 1993, had been revised five times before. This revision marks the sixth time, has brought major changes to China's company law regime, and the articles have also increased from the current 218 articles in 13 Chapters into 266 articles in 15 Chapters.


In overall terms, the New Company Law keeps the basic framework and main systems of the Current Company Law, but it has included significant changes on company capital, company governance and organizational structure, the rights and responsibilities of the shareholders, board members and senior officers (i.e., directors, supervisors, and senior officers, the same below), and creditors. We will outline some of the most important changes and the possible impact on practice here.


(1) Revisions on company capital


① The capital contribution term of LLC is shortened to 5 years


The New Company Law has significantly shortened the contribution or payment term of subscribed capital in limited liability company (LLC). According to the Current Company Law, the term for the payment of subscribed capital in principle is freely determined and prescribed by the articles of association (AoA) of LLC, and no special restriction in place by Current Company Law. This laissez-faire approach also led to serious problems like over-subscription or undercapitalization of companies in China, namely companies registered a higher capital (subscribed capital) but with little or even no capital paid-in, and the company's registered capital could not truthfully reflect the company's credit status. In order to solve these problems, the New Company Law clearly stipulates that the term of capital contribution by shareholders of a LLC shall not exceed five years since the day of its establishment(Art.47).

With respect to the handling of the currently registered or established companies before the entry into force of the New Company Law with a longer capital contribution term exceeding 5 years, the New Company Law authorizes the State Council to formulate specific implementation rules to set up a transition period for such companies to gradually adjust its capital contribution term in line with the time limit specified in the New Company Law. 


In addition, the company registration authority (i.e., the State Administration for Market Regulation and its subordinate market supervision departments at all levels, SAMR) may also require the companies, with evidently unusual amount of registered capital, e.g., subscribing an extraordinarily high amount of capital, registering an astronomical amount of capital, etc., to adjust the amount of its registered capital, as stated in the New Company Law. And the State Council is authorized to formulate detailed implementation rules. (Art.266)

SAMR recently stated that it will introduce policies and rules to simplify and streamline the capital reduction procedures such that guide companies to revise their AoA, adjust the payment term and amount of the registered capital reasonably. It is reported that SAMR has already begun the drafting and formulation of such implementation rules.

② Capital could be contributed via equity or creditor’s right明确了可以股权和债权出资Capital contributions may be made either in cash or in kind in accordance with the Current Company Law. Generally, the Current Company Law recognizes in-kind contributions in the following forms such as buildings, equipment, technology, intellectual property rights, land use rights, etc. The New Company Law further clarifies that capital could also be contributed by means of equity and creditor’s right (Art.48), by upgrading the well tested regulations or policies and practice into law.

③ The capital system of joint-stock companies is revamped改革股份公司资本制度For joint-stock companies, the New Company Law introduced the authorized capital system, which allows the AoA or the shareholders' meeting to authorize the board of directors(BoD) to issue shares (Art.95, 97, 152 to 153), and requires the promoters to pay up their shares in full before the company is established (Art.98). The New Company Law enables the AoA of a company to determine whether shareholders have a right of pre-emptive subscription in the event of a capital increase or new share issuance. Unless otherwise provided in the AoA, incumbent shareholders do not necessarily have the right of pre-emptive subscription when a joint-stock company increases its capital or issues new shares (Art.227).

The restriction on the promoter’s transfer of shares in Art.141 of the Current Company Law ("the shares of the Company held by the promoter shall not be transferred within one year from the date of incorporation of the company") has been removed. At the same time, the New Company Law introduces the different classes of shares in light of practical needs. According to its provisions, a joint-stock company may issue preferred shares, subordinate, shares with special voting rights, transfer restricted shares and other types of shares. The shares of a joint-stock company may be par shares or no-par shares, and may be converted via the provisions of the AoA. (Art.95, 142 to 146)

The above new provisions will make the capital increase or new share issuance of joint-stock company more easy, facilitate the company to raise funds flexibly by meeting the diversified needs of different investors. For example, for financial investors who focus on short-term returns and easy exit, they may choose shares that have a right to preferential distribution or preferential transfer, while for the founders of the company, in order to avoid equity dilution due to the introduction of new investors, they may retain more voting rights by the different arrangements of class shares like super-voting shares.

④ Shareholders’ capital contribution obligation is tightened严格了股东出资责任The New Company Law has tightened the shareholders’ obligation to capital contributions in several aspects, such as adding the obligation of the company, BoD and directors to urge shareholders' capital contributions (Art.51), the forfeiture of shareholder rights in case of failure to pay capital contributions on time (Art.52), the supervision obligations of board members and senior officers to have shareholders to maintain their capital contributions (not to withdraw capital after contributions) (Art.53), accelerating the maturity of shareholders' subscribed capital contributions (Art.54), and stipulating the capital contribution liability of both transferor and transferee for the equity that has been subscribed but its contribution has not yet due in the event of share transfer(Art.88).

Shareholder's failure to pay the capital contribution on time, according to the provisions of the New Company Law, the company shall issue a written payment reminder to the shareholder, which may specify a grace period (not less than 60 days after the date of the issuance of the reminder). If the shareholder has not paid the capital contribution in full before the expiry of the grace period, the company may, by resolution of BoD, issue a notice of forfeiture of shareholder rights to the shareholder, then the shareholder loses the equity of the unpaid capital from the date of issuance of such notice. For the target equity, the company may dispose of it through share transfer, capital reduction, or have other shareholders pay in full according to the proportion of capital contribution. At the same time, if the shareholders have any objection to the forfeiture of shareholder rights, they could file a lawsuit with the court to seek relief.

⑤ New information disclosure requirements on shareholders' capital contributions and changes新增股东出资及变动信息公示义务
The New Company Law requires companies to disclose the information on shareholders' capital contributions(Art.40, Art.224). According to its provisions, the amount of capital subscribed and paid-in by shareholders of a LLC, the method and the date of capital contribution, the number of shares subscribed by the promoter of a joint-stock company, as well as the changes in capital contribution or shares, etc., shall be disclosed through the National Enterprise Credit Information Publicity System. This will make it more convenient for creditors and other third parties to understand and confirm the actual payment of the company's shareholder contributions.


⑥ The capital reduction is improved完善了减资制度The New Company Law added the simplified capital reduction procedure (Art.225). Under the Current Company Law, a company can only use discretionary reserve fund or statutory reserve fund to make up for the company's losses, while the New Company Law further allows company to use capital reserve fund to make up for losses (Art.214). If there are still losses after making up for losses through all the above methods, the company can make up for the losses by means of simplified capital reduction, but it shall neither distribute any amount to shareholders through this simple capital reduction, nor shall it exempt shareholders from the obligation to pay capital contributions or shares. In addition, while the simplified capital reduction is applied, the disclosure procedure must also be performed accordingly.


In addition, the New Companies Law recognizes non-proportional capital reduction (Art.224). According to its provisions, the company's capital reduction shall, in principle, be reduced in proportion equal to the proportion of capital contribution, but the capital reduction may be conducted in a non-proportional manner if the law provides otherwise, all shareholders of a LLC agree otherwise, or the AoA of the joint-stock company provide otherwise. In practice, non-proportional capital reduction is an important exit method for financial investors or shareholders who want to withdraw, and the New Company Law formally included it.

此外,新公司法认可了非等比减资(224条)。按其规定,公司减资原则上应按出资比例等比例减资,但是在法律另有规定、有限公司全体股东另有约定或者股份公司章程另有规定的,则可以非等比减资。在实践中,非等比减资是财务投资者或者公司股东退出公司的一个重要途径,新公司法正式将其纳入其中。(2) Revisions on company governance


① BoD’s power and role is expanded in contrast to the weaker role shareholders’ meeting扩充董事会权限,相对弱化股东会的经营决策权The New Company Law expands the power and the role of BoD of a company, and sidelined the decision-making function of shareholders' meeting concerning the company's business operation matters. This is thought indicates that China's company governance regime has begun to shift away from the long-held shareholders' meeting-centered approach focusing on the maximization of shareholders' interests, to a BoD-centered approach emphasizing on the company's own interests.

Art.67 of the New Company Law deleted the wording "the board of directors is responsible to the shareholders' meeting" in the Current Company Law. This is consistent with the Civil Code of China (Art.81). At the same time, by retaining the current functions and powers of BoD (including the statutory powers, and powers stipulated in AoA) in place, the New Company Law also greatly enhanced the power of BoD in the company governance, stipulating that the shareholders' meeting may authorize BoD to issue corporate bonds as well as to exercise more other functions and powers (Art.59 and 67).新公司法67条删除了现行公司法中“董事会对股东会负责”的字样。这与民法典的规定是一致的。同时,在保留现行公司法对董事会职权进行列举方式的基础上,新公司法还规定,股东会可授权董事会发行公司债券及其他其他职权(59条、67条),大幅增强了董事会的公司治理权限。
At the same time, the New Company Law (Art.59) decreased the functions and powers of shareholders’ meeting by deleting the phrase "deciding on the company's business strategy and investment plan," "reviewing and approving the company's annual financial budget plan and final account plan" under the Current Company Law (Art.37). Those decision-making powers concerning companies’ business operation were actually transferred from the shareholders' meeting to BoD, and the position of BoD in the company's operation and management is further strengthened.

The New Company Law also harmonized the requirements for BoD composition of both joint-stock companies and LLC. According to the Current Company Law (Art.44, Art.108), the number of directors in a LLC is between 3 and 13, and that of a joint-stock company is 5 to 19. However, the New Company Law unifies it to more than 3 members (Art.68, Art.120), and no upper limit on the number of BoD members is prescribed. This leaves a greater leeway for company's shareholders to decide in their AoA.

In addition, the New Company Law adds the quorum for BoD meetings and voting requirement of LLC, that is, BoD meeting of a LLC shall be held only if more than half of the directors are present, and a BoD resolution shall only be passed by a majority of all directors (Art.73). These requirements are the same as that of a joint-stock company (Art.124 of the New Company Law, Art.111 of the Current Company Law).

The New Company Law also changes the name of "general meeting of shareholders" of joint-stock company under the Current Company Law to "shareholders' meeting" (Art.111, etc.), and abolishes the wording of "executive director" of LLC under the Current Company Law (Art.10, Art.63, etc.).

② One-tier corporate system is introduced while the supervisors (boards) is sidelined


Generally speaking, the company governance systems can be roughly divided into two types: one-tier system and two-tier system. In one-tier system, a company only has a BoD and no board of supervisors (BoS), while in two-tier system a company has both BoD and BoS (or supervisor) at the same time. China's Current Company Law adopts the two-tier system.

The New Company Law introduces one-tier system as an alternative for company governance. In accordance with Art.68, Art.121 of the New Company Law, a LLC or a joint-stock company is allowed to have only a BoD without a BoS, and such company only has a BoD shall put an audit committee in place within BoD to exercise the functions and powers of BoS. This a major change to China's current company governance system.

At the same time, Art.121 and Art.137 of the New Company Law also specifically prescribed on the deliberation methods and voting procedures of the audit committee of BoD of both joint-stock companies and listed companies.


③ The organization of the small company is simplified


The New Company Law simplified the requirements on organization for companies with a smaller scale or fewer shareholders. For example, for a LLC with a smaller scale or fewer shareholders, there may be only one director and one supervisor, need no BoD and BoS (Art.75), or even the supervisor is not needed in case a unanimous consent of all shareholders is reached(Art.83).


With regard to joint-stock companies with a smaller scale or fewer shareholders, the New Company Law also simplified the requirements for the establishment of BoD and BoS, that is only one director (who can also serve as company managers) and one supervisor (Art.128 and 133) is required.

④ Company management with the employees’ participation is emphasized


The New Company Law also emphasized the requirements for the democratic management of companies with the employees’ representation or participation, requiring companies to implement democratic management by means of employees' representative congress or taking other forms, to seek the opinions of employees when making major business decisions such as company restructuring, dissolution, and bankruptcy application (Art.17). Companies are also required to assume social responsibilities, and take into full consideration the interests of its employees, consumers and other stakeholders, as well as the protection of ecological environment and other public interests in daily business operations (Art.20).

At the same time, the New Company Law stipulates that a company with more than 300 employees shall have employee representatives on BoD, except for those that already have employee representatives on BoS in accordance with the law. Employee representatives shall be democratically elected by the employees' representative congress, the employees' congress or through other forms (Art.68). Employee representatives on BoD of a company may become members of the audit committee (Art.69).


⑤ The legal representative system is improved完善了公司法定代表人制度According to the Current Company Law, the legal representative of a company can only be the chairperson of BoD, executive director or general manager of the company. The New Company Law has modernized the provision such that either director or general manager who execute the company affairs may serve as the legal representative of the company (Art.10).

At the same time, the New Company Law also clarified the liability of the legal representative during the performance of his duties. According to its provisions, the consequences of the actions of the legal representative shall be borne by the company in principle. At the same time, restrictions on the powers of a company’s legal representative by the company's AoA or shareholders' meeting shall not be enforceable against bona fide third parties. If the legal representative causes damage to others while performing his duties, the company shall bear the civil liability. After assuming liability, the company may seek indemnification from the legal representative if he or she is at fault (Art.11).


(3) Revisions on the liabilities of the controller, board members and senior officers 


① The duties of board members and senior officers is clarified


The New Company Law legally clarified the definition of the duty of loyalty and diligence assumed by board members and senior officers to the company. The duty of loyalty means that board members and senior officers should take measures to avoid conflicts between their own interests and those of the company, and shall not abuse their powers to seek improper benefits. While the duty of diligence means that board members and senior officers should exercise reasonable care, a manager should usually have, in the best interests of the company (Art.180).新公司法在法律上明确了董监高对公司负有的忠实义务、勤勉义务的内涵。忠实义务是指,董监高应当采取措施避免自身利益与公司利益冲突,不得利用职权牟取不正当利益;勤勉义务是指,董监高执行职务应当为公司的最大利益尽到管理者通常应有的合理注意(第180条)。
At the same time, the New Company Law strengthened the regulation against related party transactions and conflicts of interest between board members or senior officers and the company, by adding the reporting obligations for related party transactions and conflicts of interest, as well as rules for recusal from voting, etc. (Art.182 to 187)同时,新公司法加强了对董监高与公司的关联交易、利益冲突等的规范,增加了关联交易、利益冲突等的报告义务和表决回避等规则(182条至187条)。
The New Company Law also clearly prescribes that BoS in LLC may require directors and senior officers to submit reports to it on the performance of their duties (Art.80). This has strengthened the supervision of the BoS over the company's directors and senior officers.

② The indemnity liability of board members and senior officers is expanded扩大了董监高的赔偿责任The New Company Law extended the responsibilities of board members and senior officers to maintain the company's capital adequacy. According to Art.51, BoD is liable to verify the capital contribution of shareholders and send a written reminder to the shareholders who failed to make capital contributions in full on time. In the event BoD fails to fulfill such liability and causes damages to the company, the responsible directors shall be liable for compensation. At the same time, where the board members and senior officers are liable for the unlawful withdrawal of capital contributions by the shareholders, the board members and senior officers shall be jointly and severally liable with the shareholders for compensation (Art.53).

In addition, if a director or senior officer causes damages to others with intent or gross negligence during his or her performance of duties, the director or senior officer shall also be liable for compensation personally (Art.191).

③ The regulation against controlling shareholders and actual controllers is enhanced


According to the provisions of the New Company Law, even the controlling shareholder or actual controller of a company does not serve as a director of the company but actually executes the company's affairs, such controlling shareholder or actual controller shall still owe a duty of loyalty and diligence to the company(Art.180). At the same time, if the controlling shareholder or actual controller of the company instructs the directors or senior officers to engage in acts harming the interests of the company or shareholders, it shall be jointly and severally liable with the directors or senior officers (Art.192).


④ The director liability insurance is introduced


The New Company Law not only enhanced the liability of directors, but also introduces directors liability insurance for directors. According to the provisions of the New Company Law, a company may purchase or renew liability insurance for the liability of directors in the performance of their duties during their tenure of office, and in addition, BoD shall report the information on the insured amount, coverage, and premium rate of the liability insurance to shareholders' meeting (Art.193).


From a practical point of view, more and more listed companies has been purchasing director and officer (D&O) liability insurance for their directors or senior officers to reduce the liability risk of the management during the performance of their duties. At the same time, this is beneficial to ensuring and encouraging directors, and senior officers to proactively execute their duties in the company.

(4) Revisions concerning the protection of minority shareholders' rights


The New Company Law strengthened the protection of minority shareholders in the following aspects:


① Shareholders' right to know/view is strengthened


The New Company Law widened shareholders' access to company’s accounting materials, allowing shareholders of LLC and eligible shareholders of joint-stock companies (i.e., shareholders who hold more than 3% of the company's shares individually or collectively for more than 180 consecutive days) to review accounting books and accounting vouchers, as well as to review and copy relevant materials of wholly-owned subsidiaries of the company. Shareholders can either review it in person or engage an intermediary agency such as accounting firm or law firm to do so (Art.57 and 110). This will be helpful for safeguarding the rights of minority shareholders, while also forming supervision and constraints on controlling shareholders and the company's management.

② The rights to submit proposal of minority shareholders is improved完善股份公司小股东临时提案权The New Company Law lowered the shareholding ratio requirement for the right to submit interim proposals, from the current "shareholders who individually or collectively hold more than 3% of the company's shares" to "shareholders who individually or collectively hold more than 1% of the company's shares" (Art.115). This change may help improving shareholders' right to submit interim proposals and strengthening shareholders' participation in company governance.

新公司法降低了临时提案权的股权比例要求,由现行公司法上的“单独或者合计持有公司3%以上股份的股东”降低为“单独或者合计持有公司1%以上股份的股东” (115条)。该规定有利于完善股东临时提案权,强化股东民主参与公司治理。
③ The remedies against shareholders oppression is extended


Where controlling shareholder of a company abuses its shareholder rights, commit any shareholder oppression such that the interests of the company or of other shareholders are seriously harmed, the New Company Law included the remedy enabling other non-controlling or minority shareholders to request the company to acquire their equity at a reasonable price (Art.89), in addition to the remedy prescribed in the Art.74 of the Current Company Law (i.e., the right of dissenting shareholders in a LLC to request equity buyback).


At the same time, the New Company Law has introduced the right of dissenting shareholders of joint-stock companies to request the company to purchase its shares at a reasonable price (Art.161) by modelling on the provisions of Art.74 (the right of dissenting shareholders in a LLC to request equity buyback) of the Current Company Law.


In accordance with the New Company Law, under any of the following circumstances, a dissenting shareholder in a non-public joint-stock company who votes against the resolution of the shareholders' meeting, may also require the company to purchase its shares at a reasonable price:


a)the company has not distributed any profit to the shareholder for 5 consecutive years, though the company has made profits for five consecutive years and meets the profit distribution requirements as prescribed in this Law;


b)the company has transferred its main property; or


c)the business operation term as prescribed in the AoA expires or any other cause for dissolution as prescribed in the AoA occurs, and the shareholders' meeting makes the company continue existing by adopting a resolution to modify the AoA. 


Where such dissenting shareholder in a non-public joint-stock company fails to reach a share purchase agreement with the company within 60 days as of the day when the resolution is made by the shareholders' meeting, it may file a lawsuit in court within 90 days as of the day when the resolution is made by the shareholders' meeting. After the company purchased the shares, shall either transfer or deregister such shares according to law within 6 months.


④ The application of the shareholder derivative actions is expanded扩大了股东代表诉讼的范围On the basis of shareholder derivative actions under the Current Company Law (Art.151), the New Company Law added shareholders derivative action against the board members and senior officers of the company's wholly-owned subsidiaries (Art.189).

According to the provisions of the New Company Law, if the board members and senior officers of a company violate the provisions of laws, administrative regulations or the AoA of the company during the performance of their duties, causing damages to the company, the shareholders (i.e., shareholders of a LLC, and shareholders of a joint-stock company who hold more than 1% of the company's shares individually or collectively for more than 180 consecutive days) may file a derivative action. If the board members and senior officers of the subsidiary harms the interests of the company's subsidiaries with the above-mentioned circumstances, the shareholders of the above-mentioned companies may also file a derivative lawsuit.


(5) Revisions on company establishment and deregistration


① A new chapter on company registration is added


A special chapter on Company Registration has been added into the New Company Law, which clarifies the matters and procedures for the establishment, alteration, and deregistration of companies, as well as the companies’ information disclosure (Art.29 to 41).


Furthermore, based on the previous digitalization of company registration procedures, the New Company Law retroactively ratified the same legal effectiveness of electronic business licenses as the hardcopy business licenses, the legal effect of issuing announcements through the National Enterprise Credit Information Publicity System, and remote meeting and voting through electronic methods.


② The deregistration process of companies is streamlined


The New Company Law streamlined the liquidation rules of companies, clearly prescribes that directors shall act as the liquidators, and clarifies their liquidation responsibilities (Art.232), and added simple and compulsory deregistration systems (Art.240 and 241) to facilitate the company's market exit.


In order to provide guidance to the deregistration of companies, SAMR and other departments have recently jointly released the revised Guidelines for Enterprise Deregistration (Revised in 2023), which provides a comprehensive guidance on the deregistration procedures and processes of enterprises.


(6) State-invested companies related revisions


① the chapter on the organization structure of State-invested companies is added


In addition, the New Company Law also makes revisions on the rules of state-invested companies (Art.168 to 177), and expanded the scope of its application from wholly state-owned LLC under the Current Company Law to all state-invested companies including both wholly state-owned LLC or joint-stock companies, as well as LLC or joint-stock companies controlled by state-owned capital.

For wholly state-owned companies, there is no need to set up shareholders' meeting in accordance with the New Company Law, and the power of the shareholders' meeting is exercised by the institution that performs the contributors’ duties (national or local SASAC, i.e., State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, etc.). The institution that performs the contributor's duties may authorize BoD to exercise some of the functions and powers of the shareholders' meeting, provided that the formulation and modification of AoA, merger, division, dissolution, application for bankruptcy, increase or reduction of registered capital, and distribution of profits of the company shall be determined by the agency that performs the contributor's duties (Art.172). 

The New Company Law added requirements on BoD composition (with a majority of outside directors) and the establishment of audit committees in wholly state-owned companies (Art.173, Art.176).

②Communist Party’s leadership is highlighted


At the same time, for state-invested companies, the New Company Law emphasized the leading role of the Communist Party, and clarified that state-invested companies’ major business and management matters need to be discussed and reviewed by the company's Communist Party Committee (Art.170). The relevant policy requirements previously issued by the National SASAC were included into the New Company Law. 

同时,对于国家出资公司,新公司法突出了党的领导作用,明确要求国有出资公司的重大经营管理事项需由公司党委研究讨论(170条)。这实质上是将此前国家国资委发布的相关政策要求反映到了公司法中。As early in 2010, National SASAC issued the Opinions on Further Promoting State-owned Enterprises to Implement the  Decision-making System for "Matters of Major Decisions, Appointment and Dismissal of Major Personnel, Arrangement for Major Projects and Operation of Funds with Large Amount" (5 June 2010), requiring that the above mentioned major matters of state-owned enterprises shall be collectively decided by the party committee of the state-owned company. Therefore, in the event any major transactions involving state-owned enterprises, it entails not only conforming the requirements of the decision-making procedures of its Communist Party Committee, but also the normal requirements for the internal decision-making of the ordinary companies.

早在2010年,国家国资委等就曾发布《关于进一步推进国有企业贯彻落实“三重一大”决策制度的意见》(2010年6月5日 发布),要求国有企业的重大决策事项、重要人事任免事项、重大项目安排事项、大额度资金运作事项均需经过国家出资公司党委组织作出集体决策。因此,在涉及国有企业的相关重大交易中,除了需考察一般的公司内部意思决定要求外,还需考察其党委决策程序的要求。

③ State-invested companies compliance and risk-management requirement is strengthened


In addition, the New Company Law also explicitly requires state-invested companies to establish and improve internal supervision, management, and risk-control systems in accordance with the law, and strengthen internal compliance management (Art.177). This is consistent with the practice of state-owned companies’ commitment to business compliance, and ESG (environmental, social responsibility and company governance), which has been proactively proclaimed and encouraged by SASAC in years.


It is worth noting that the reference of state-invested companies above include all enterprises invested or owned by state or local governments at all levels. it is expected that, in the coming months, the relevant state-invested enterprises may have to amend their AoA and governance structure accordingly in order to meet the requirements of the New Company Law. Therefore, the relevant Sino-foreign joint ventures with state-owned shareholders, shall monitor the relevant development closely.


(7) Corporate Bond related revisions


In addition, the New Company Law also revamped the corporate bond issuance system. Among others, the scope of companies could issue convertible bonds were expanded from listed companies to all joint-stock companies, the corporate bonds can be issued either publicly or non-publicly. The provisions on the validity of resolutions of bondholders' meetings and on bond trustees were also included, and the protection of bondholders has been strengthened (Art.194 to 206).


The above is only a brief introduction to the major changes of the New Company Law. In addition, the New Company Law also includes the horizontal disregard of corporate personality (Art.23), improves the register of shareholders rules (Art.56 and 86), and amends the exercise method of the right of first refusal whilst the transfer of equity in LLC (Art.84), etc.. 


In short, the New Company Law has brought systematic major changes into China's Current Company Law, revamped the company's capital regime and company governance structure, tightened the shareholders’ obligation for capital contribution, enhanced the role of BoD in operation, expanded the responsibilities of directors and senior officers, and strengthened the regulation of actual controllers and controlling shareholders. Since the vast majority of domestic and foreign investments in China take the form of companies, almost all companies may have to revise their, among others, AoA and shareholder agreement more or less after the New Company Law’s entry into force. Therefore, it is necessary for both domestic and foreign investors, managers or senior officers, etc., to understand the major changes of the New Company Law beforehand and take necessary measures accordingly. Since the New Company Law will come into force on 1 July 2024, it is expected that before its implementation, SAMR and other departments may issue implementation regulations or rules, and the later developments shall be closely monitored.

